Congratulations to our new Candidates

On Wednesday 9th December, Archbishop Arthur Roche joined us for Mass, to admit two of our students to Candidacy for Holy Orders: Elliot Hanson (Archdiocese of Cardiff) and John O’Laverty (Diocese of Down and Connor). Archbishop Roche preached a fine homily on the nature of priestly service, exhorting the new candidates and the whole community to be priests in the image of Jesus Christ, not in our own image. His Excellency called on us all to be the priests God was calling us to be.

The talents of the mini-schola, Joachim Teigen (Diocese of Oslo), Jonathan Henry (Archdiocese of Birmingham) and Ryan Hawkes (Diocese of Portsmouth) were put to excellent use under the direction of Schola Master James Finnegan (Archdiocese of Liverpool) with a powerful rendition of O Sacrum Convivium during Holy Communion.

Ad multos annos to our new candidates!
